A tale

She never understood me but i still loved her. I just wish she could appreciate me and treat with the same thoughtfulness i always have shown for her. Why is it not possible for me to be freinds with her only in our space. Her including all the others just complicates things and makes it harder for me to trust that every tear i shed to her would not be forwarded. Being able to realise that not everything you are encountering has to be bragged about is a good quality to your personality. This is one quality i wish my companion would learn to appreciate so we can be honest to eachother and confide in each other. Even though we had the same interests when we met the differences between us became clearer soon enough. We have always carried a mask upon each other and the people around us. The most hurtful thing is our own ignorance towards each others feelings. If she can not make me feel at ease i wonder if it would matter how she makes others feel. My own gut feeling is telling me to stay away from people as far as possible and especially her so i can not be decieved by her tactics . The problem will be as i see it that i will always have a soft corner for her but she will never care for me. Either our values are different or just our priorities.